The Truth About Pet Hamsters
My post about pet rabbits inspired me to turn the idea into a little series about animal care. As I mentioned previously, I do not currently have any pets. As such, I am writing from an outsider's perspective with the intention of providing awareness about potential problems. As a pet owner or future pet owner, I would hope that this awareness is then carried forward through your own personal research if you become aware of something that you did not know before.
Rabbits are one very commonly mistreated pet. Another common pet that has a long history of misinformation is the hamster. Most people have had a hamster or know someone that had a hamster at some point in their life. My Grade 1 classroom had a class hamster that I took care of over Christmas break one year. Neither my teacher nor I knew any of the information that I have since learned about hamster care. Once again, this problem likely stems from pet stores providing inaccurate information on the needs of hamsters. The cages that most people are familiar with as being 'hamster cages' are actually completely inappropriate for hamsters to live in!
Please never keep a hamster in a cage like this!
Cages usually marketed as hamster cages are way too small for hamsters to live a happy and fulfilled life. They also often have spaces between the bars that are large enough for hamsters to squeeze through, which results in many hamsters being lost or injured when they make a dash for freedom.
Another common problem with 'traditional' hamster care is that people will use whatever wheel they can find. Many wheels are too small for the hamster, which can cause issues like back problems. They are also often wire or plastic with slats, which can cause problems for the hamster's feet.
Something else not usually provided for pet hamsters is a sand bath. Providing a small area filled with sand for the hamster to roll around in not only makes the hamster happy, but it also helps to keep their fur clean and fluffy.
These are just a few basic things to keep in mind if you have (or are planning to get) a pet hamster. A great example of someone learning how to better care for a hamster is Jenna Marbles' video here. You can see the cage that she got at the pet store, that her hamster was able to get out of. You can also see the difference between the original cage and the new cage in the video where she gives the new cage a makeover here.
Ultimately, I hope this blog has given you some awareness about the responsibility of owning a hamster. They are adorable little fuzzy creatures that can give you a lot of love. In exchange, give them the home that they deserve.